医薬翻訳者の洋書キッチン/ The Book Kitchen

翻訳者による洋書レビュー / Book review by a medical translator

The High Mountains of Portugal by Yann Martel






こんにちは、日差しを避ける Aki です。


昨日に引き続き Yann Martel の本を紹介します。"The High Mountains of Portugal" です。



自分は知人にこの本を紹介され、こちらを先に読んだ後、その後に "Life of Pi" を読みました。








YouTube で著者の講演動画を見たのですが、この本を書くにあたっては彼のインドでの経験が元になっているそうです。これは "Life of Pi" でも同じですね。




アメリAmazon での評価は、高評価、低評価で分かれています。やはり、というべきかもしれません。


ちなみに Aki は今後、この人の新作が出たら迷わず買うことになるでしょう。


The High Mountains of Portugal

The High Mountains of Portugal





Hi, it's Aki, running away from sunshine.


Today I introduce probably a little controversial book "The high mountains of Portugal" by Yann Martel.


Yann Martel again!. I borrowed this book from an acquaintance of mine, then I read "Life of Pi" that I reviewed yesterday.


"The high mountains of Portugal" consists of 3 stories, which are, as a whole, connected.


I watched YouTube to grab some ideas behind his work. 

In "Life of Pi" and "The high mountains of Portugal", you notice that animals appear in his books.

In the video, he mentioned his experience in India where he learned how an elephant was considered as a sacred animal.


A chimapanzee is the keyward in this book.


You guys might find this book weired, strange, or too much original. 


Well, at leat, worth a try".

