医薬翻訳者の洋書キッチン/ The Book Kitchen

翻訳者による洋書レビュー / Book review by a medical translator

Beatrice and Virgil by Yann Martel





Life of Pi で有名な Yann Martel (ヤン・マーテル) の本はいずれも読み解くのが難しいものばかりです。



『Life of Pi』と『The High Mountains of Portugal』の2冊を過去に読みました。








書評では星1つか星5つに分かれる、そういった作品が特徴の Yann Martel ですが僕の大好きな作家さんの一人です。


『Beatrice and Virgil』はページ数が少なく200ページと薄く普通なら4時間もあれば読み終わりそうな本ですが、僕は6時間以上かけて読みました。



Amazon のレビューで渡辺由佳里さんがあらすじを載せているのでどうぞそちらをご覧ください。



YouTube で講演動画を観たことがありますが、作品の根底には彼なりのがっちりとした論理がきちんとあることが分かります。


難解さゆえか、それとも書評を平均化すると評価が高くないためか彼の作品で邦訳されているのは『Life of Pi』のみです。








Yann Martel, a super-favorite author of mine, is best known for "Life of Pi", which later became a beautiful movie by removing important scenes, at least to the author.


I have read "Life of Pi" first, then "The High Mountains of Portugal" that was published in 2016.

This book "Beatrice and Virgil" was published in 2010, nine years after "Life of Pi".


Yann Martel writes literature books in which readers have to try to find key ideas and what the author is trying to say.

Even after reading it, readers might not be able to see the meaning of some of the scenes; the readers must interpret the unfathomable story that is not even supposed to be a mystery all by themselves.


But what makes his books so unfathomable?


Yann Martel has a clear theme in each book, in which he presents certain ideas explicitly or implicitly such as religion, philosophy, or a historical event.


So, what's the theme in this book "Beatrice and Virgil"?




Yes, he writes "Holocaust" in hiw own way as usual.


Sadly I just can't explain or describe the book very well.

It's alway too difficult to explain his books comprehensively even though the story itself of his books is usually simple.


It's a thin book (less than 200 pages for my version of the book). 


I strongly urge you to read it. It won't hurt you very much.

His work is worth to challenge at least once.



Beatrice and Virgil

Beatrice and Virgil

  • 作者:Martel, Yann
  • 発売日: 2011/07/01
  • メディア: ペーパーバック



Life Of Pi

Life Of Pi

  • 作者:Martel, Yann
  • 発売日: 2012/09/06
  • メディア: ペーパーバック



The High Mountains of Portugal: A Novel (English Edition)

The High Mountains of Portugal: A Novel (English Edition)