医薬翻訳者の洋書キッチン/ The Book Kitchen

翻訳者による洋書レビュー / Book review by a medical translator

The Perfect Predator(悪魔の細菌)by Steffanie Strathdee & Thomas Patterson




洋書で人気のノンフィクションといえば Trevor Noah著の『Born a Crime』が有名です。ノンフィクは歴史からサイエンス系までジャンルの幅が広く、Yuval Noah Harari の著作は邦訳書としても絶大な人気を誇ります。


今回僕が読んだのは Steffanie Strathdee、Thomas Patterson著『The Perfect Predator』です。邦訳は坪子里美さん訳で『悪魔の細菌』。


『Silent Spring(沈黙の春)』において Rachel Carson は自然にとって化学薬品がどれほど危険なものかを訴えました。この本がきっかけとなり様々な規制も生まれることになりました。

近い将来、『The Perfect Predator』が多くの人に読み直される本になるのかもしれません。






























You may have read (or at least have ever heard of) a popular nonfiction memoir book Born a Crime authored by Trevor Noah.

The Perfect Predator by Steffanie Strathdee and Thomas Patterson is also a memoir, more specifically a scientific memoir that reads like a thriller (the author actually writes in a novel narrative manner). 


While I was reading this book, it kept reminding me of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring, in which the author described the effects of pesticides on wildlife (plants and animals) and humans, whereas in this book the effects of antibiotics on humans.


This gripping, suspenseful medical thriller begins with two scientists' (Steffanie Strathdee and her husband Thomas Patterson) trip to Egypt, where Tom came down with a stomach bug, which turned out to be a superbug.

The Perfect Predator is a memoir of struggle to survive this superbug.


A superbug is a bacterium that is resistant to antibiotics.

Antibiotics (such as penicillin) are used in a medical setting on a daily basis to cure diseases caused by bacteria.

Antibiotics can fight certain infections by either stopping bacteria from reproducing or destroying them with a proper use.

Tom came down with a stomach bug, which was bacteria that were supposed to be treated with antibiotics.

But, what if those antibiotics are not effective to the bacteria?


These bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics are in this book called superbugs.


What is so scary about superbugs?


They were not originally resistant to antibiotics.

They became resistant.


We measure human evolution in millions of years; bacteria do it in minutes.

Strathdee, Steffanie; Patterson, Thomas. The Perfect Predator: A Scientist's Race to Save Her Husband from a Deadly Superbug: A Memoir (p.100). Hachette Books. Kindle 版.


Left unchecked, an estimated 10 million people were going to die from superbug infections each year by 2050. The former director-general of the World Health Organization, Margaret Chan, had recently stated that we were on the cusp of a post-antibiotic era, where a simple scrape could lead to limb amputation or death.

Strathdee, Steffanie; Patterson, Thomas. The Perfect Predator: A Scientist's Race to Save Her Husband from a Deadly Superbug: A Memoir (p.128). Hachette Books. Kindle 版.


dystopian future of the post-antibiotic age.

Strathdee, Steffanie; Patterson, Thomas. The Perfect Predator: A Scientist's Race to Save Her Husband from a Deadly Superbug: A Memoir (p.130). Hachette Books. Kindle 版.


So, as the conventional antibiotics had not worked against Tom's superbug, they had to find an alternate way to kill the bug. They needed a new game changer.

And they found it, which was...


Phage therapy.


I really liked the book. I was absolutely absorbed into this real gripping story.

Kudos to this phage turner book.


Klara and the Sun(クララとお日さま) by Kazuo Ishiguro




『クララとお日さま』Kazuo Ishiguro著






話の語り手はクララ。AF (Artificial Frient) と呼ばれるロボットです。過去の回想というかたちで話を進めていきます。




クララはロボットということもあり視界に映るものを分析しながら、行動しているようです。そして AF の電力源は太陽、お日さまです。
















Klara und die Sonne: Roman

Klara und die Sonne: Roman

  • 作者:Ishiguro, Kazuo
  • 発売日: 2021/03/15
  • メディア: ハードカバー
Klara and the Sun

Klara and the Sun

  • 作者:Ishiguro, Kazuo
  • 発売日: 2021/03/02
  • メディア: ペーパーバック









As I haven't read his  renowned works "Never Let Me Go" and "The Remains of the Day", no comparison is to be made to his latest novel "Klara and the Sun".


I knew that the author Kazuo Ishiguro is a british novelist and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, and thus I was a bit baffled after reading through ten or so pages.

The word of choice, the writing style, sentence pattenrs, rhythms...it was more like American style. And actually, yes, the story is set in America. This fact in my opinion did not impact the story per se but did so to the story images such as fields (American fields) and the sun in the sky (American sky).


The story is retrospectively narrated by Klara, an AF (Artificial Friend), who is on sale at a store that sells various AFs, boy and girl, from old to new. Their source of energy is mostly the sun, solar energy.


Reading through "Klara and the Sun", you probably will be filled with a sense of foreboding. Klara tells the story retrospectively and mentions coming events that does not sound pleasant.

In those days, when Josie’s health was quite good,

Ishiguro, Kazuo. Klara and the Sun (p.47). Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. Kindle 版.

Also, this story is set in a dystopian America.

You now surely have an ominous feeling.


However, what makes this book distinctive from other dytopian novels is the sun, not blazing, not sizzling, but warm and gentle sun, which casts a light and color into this story.


Klara likes to watch the sun. How he (Klara calls the sun "he") goes up and down, how he casts his rays onto where and what angles, and how he leaves what shape of shadow.

Always the sun. Countless times it appeas in the story. Being an AF, she describes (or anlayzes) the sun everytime and everywhere.


It is always there. Not only in the book. Before us. The sun.

I completely forgot about it and have shown little appreciation for its presence. Klara reminded me of that.



Each AF has a unique character. Klara notices a slightest thing even in humans, though her ability is inferior to that of humans. She also learns things from experience.

She is a robot. But she uses the phrase "I fear".


Although "Klara and the Sun" is a dystopian story, it is not of much importance in this novel in my view. What this novel depicts is human being.


What makes human being human?


Let's have a look and find your answer.



Good Girl, Bad Blood by Holly Jackson





2作目です。Holly Jackson 著『Good Girl, Bad Blood』です。期待を裏切りません。1作目を読んだ方は安心して読んでください。



Pip : 名探偵コナン

Little Kilton : 米花町


そういうことにはなりません。Pip に事件を引き付ける体質はありません。









良い出版社と翻訳者さんが手を組みきちんとした表紙デザインが決まりさえすれば 2021年、日本の書店の棚を飾るのは『グッドガール』シリーズだと思います。



A Good Girl's Guide to Murder (English Edition)

A Good Girl's Guide to Murder (English Edition)




Good Girl, Bad Blood (English Edition)

Good Girl, Bad Blood (English Edition)






In her debut novel "A Good Girl's Guide to Murder", the author Holly Jackson brilliantly showed us her ability and talent to write a mystery novel by means of accumulated-information-revealing-style, which is seen in Lincoln Rhyme series.


I thought that's the writing style she was going to use throughout this series.


I was wrong. Pip was supposed to summarize the information for the report in her project. The story required it.


In her second novel "Good Girl, Bad Blood", the author writes a sequel in a different style; a classic style with a bit of her flavor (she is really good at presenting information).


Dissapointment is often seen in a second novel because we readers unwisely and somewhat unfairly tend to expect a coming book with a higher quality.


Holly Jackson is in far from that dissapointment. You should check it by yourselves.



Besides the mystery part there is a human story in this book (in the previous book, too), a conflict in various way.


In our world there is no clear border between right and wrong.


You watch animal channel; there is a baby penguin, waddling unsteadily, so adorable. And suddenly she is assaulted by a seal. No mercy in it. Anger swells of course.

A week later, another TV program shows a leopard seal, not eating for a long days, failing to catch its prey three times in a row. It finally finds a prey, a baby penguin.


Which one should we root for? Which is right and wrong?



I wonder Holly Jackson keeps writing mystery novels or tries aother genre or doesn't care a border that separates genres.

But I will get it for sure, as soon as she releases her another book.


To the best of my knowledge, her books have not yet been translated in Japanese. I am nearly sure her books decorate book shelves of book stores in Japan in 2021 as "Good Girl" series.

A Good Girl's Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson







今から紹介する『A Good Girl's Guide to Murder』の著者、 Holly Jackson さんです。






無理やりに「ミステリー」というワードを使い、作品が読者に「こんなのミステリーじゃない」と不評されるのを Amazon のレビューなどで見ることがあります。読者はミステリーをパズル本と捉える人もいるので仕方がないことです。






高校3年生の Pippa (Pip) が学校のプロジェクトとして、5年前に起こった殺人事件を調べます:

学校で人気のあった女子生徒が失踪。容疑者はボーイフレンドのインド系アメリカ人の Sal。人種差別的な要素もあったためか捜査はそのまま打ち切りに。

Pip にはどうしても Sal が犯人だとは思えず、独自に調査に乗り出します。








Pip は集めた情報をレポートにまとめるのですが、その文字が若干小さいのです。












I just finished reading A Good Girl's Guide to Murder, a stunning debut novel authored by Holly Jackson.


Mystery novels can be divided into some types; some give specific clues or details of a case to readers so that they can lead to the culprit by themselves, and some don't. And those books are further divded into many; some are about a story in good old days when latest technologies are not available for people at the time, some are SF-ish, and so on.


A Good Girl's Guide to Murder challenges readers, meaning that the author gives readers detailed information.


Pippa (Pip), a protagonist of this book, investigates a case as her school's final-year project.

As she investigates the case, she summarizes what she found into reports.

Readers can use these reports to get their brain organized and to get to the culprit.


This writing style reminded me of my favorite author Jeffery Deaver.

In his Lincoln Rhyme series, Lincoln uses a whiteboard to summarize the information, which is also provided to readers.

Jeffery Deaver is well known for spending a good many months to create a plot for each book. He is supposed to trick readers who try best not to be tricked in a fair manner, not allowing them to complain about the tricks. 


And Holly Jackson chose this difficult path. She reveals information. And she definitely succeeded it as a mystery book.

This book is her first novel. Wow.


The sequel is already available. I'll definitely take it soon.


Good Girl, Bad Blood: The Sequel to A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

Good Girl, Bad Blood: The Sequel to A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

  • 作者:Jackson, Holly
  • 発売日: 2021/03/02
  • メディア: ハードカバー



A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

  • 作者:Jackson, Holly
  • 発売日: 2021/01/05
  • メディア: ペーパーバック


brown girl dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson







1. ノンフィクション

2. 大人向け小説

3. YA小説

4. 子供向け

5. 詩

6. 漫画








『brown girl dreaming』という本を昨日読みました。













My general reading speed varies according to books (in order of fastest to slowest):


1. Nonfiction

2. Novel (for adults)

3. Novel (YA)

4. Books for kids

5. Poem

6. Comics


Furthermore, among the novels the reading speed changes depending on the difficulty, genre, types of the story, and, date of publication.


I can read without subvocalization (producing voice in your head while you read), so nonfiction is the easiest to read faster because you don't have to imagine the story and characters, unlike fiction books. You can focus on picking up the information from the book.


But last year I became able to read fiction books without subvocalization as well.


As I read a book, images appear from each word as if verdant stems grow from words.

This occurs even when I don't read a loud in my head, helping my read without dropping the reading speed.


But when it comes to easier books (children books) and poems, my reading speed usually drops (significantly for poems).

This is because there are less descriptions in children books; I have to spend much energy and time to imagine the scenes, which is the fun part of reading books though.


I yeasterday finshed reading "brown girl dreaming" written by Jacqueline Woodson.


This is a story of childhood of the author.

She is mesmerized by letters, books, poems, and writing.



she teaches me how to devour

the word

and its taste

and its sound

and its feeling,

by taking much time.


the faster the better?

the slower the better?

as you like.


Brown Girl Dreaming

Brown Girl Dreaming



Beatrice and Virgil by Yann Martel





Life of Pi で有名な Yann Martel (ヤン・マーテル) の本はいずれも読み解くのが難しいものばかりです。



『Life of Pi』と『The High Mountains of Portugal』の2冊を過去に読みました。








書評では星1つか星5つに分かれる、そういった作品が特徴の Yann Martel ですが僕の大好きな作家さんの一人です。


『Beatrice and Virgil』はページ数が少なく200ページと薄く普通なら4時間もあれば読み終わりそうな本ですが、僕は6時間以上かけて読みました。



Amazon のレビューで渡辺由佳里さんがあらすじを載せているのでどうぞそちらをご覧ください。



YouTube で講演動画を観たことがありますが、作品の根底には彼なりのがっちりとした論理がきちんとあることが分かります。


難解さゆえか、それとも書評を平均化すると評価が高くないためか彼の作品で邦訳されているのは『Life of Pi』のみです。








Yann Martel, a super-favorite author of mine, is best known for "Life of Pi", which later became a beautiful movie by removing important scenes, at least to the author.


I have read "Life of Pi" first, then "The High Mountains of Portugal" that was published in 2016.

This book "Beatrice and Virgil" was published in 2010, nine years after "Life of Pi".


Yann Martel writes literature books in which readers have to try to find key ideas and what the author is trying to say.

Even after reading it, readers might not be able to see the meaning of some of the scenes; the readers must interpret the unfathomable story that is not even supposed to be a mystery all by themselves.


But what makes his books so unfathomable?


Yann Martel has a clear theme in each book, in which he presents certain ideas explicitly or implicitly such as religion, philosophy, or a historical event.


So, what's the theme in this book "Beatrice and Virgil"?




Yes, he writes "Holocaust" in hiw own way as usual.


Sadly I just can't explain or describe the book very well.

It's alway too difficult to explain his books comprehensively even though the story itself of his books is usually simple.


It's a thin book (less than 200 pages for my version of the book). 


I strongly urge you to read it. It won't hurt you very much.

His work is worth to challenge at least once.



Beatrice and Virgil

Beatrice and Virgil

  • 作者:Martel, Yann
  • 発売日: 2011/07/01
  • メディア: ペーパーバック



Life Of Pi

Life Of Pi

  • 作者:Martel, Yann
  • 発売日: 2012/09/06
  • メディア: ペーパーバック



The High Mountains of Portugal: A Novel (English Edition)

The High Mountains of Portugal: A Novel (English Edition)



Yoss by Odo Hirsch





普段は児童向けの本を書く著者の初の YA 本です。


Odo Hirsch はオーストラリア出身で、日本では全くの無名作家。邦訳も一冊もされていません。ただし自分のお気に入りの作家さんです。


お気に入りの作家さんとはいっても Antonio S and the Mystery of Theodore Guzman の一冊しか読んだことがありません。



これは感覚的、感性みたいなもので、個人で大きく異なるため僕の評価は他の人には全く当てはまらないもの。ということで Goodreads での評価もいまいちです。



村の少年 Yoss が村のしきたりに参加します。



Yoss は村を出発し湖を目指します。湖に向こう側には町があります。

町の魅力に惹かれた Yoss は湖で引き返さずにそのまま突き進みます。


山に囲まれた村で育ってきた純真無垢な Yoss。






Yoss, a boy growing up in a small village surrounded by mountains, departs the village this year, and returns to the same village next day. At least he is supposed to be.


This is a ritual of this village; each year a boy or a few boys leave the village and return to the same place the following day to prove themselves to be a man.


Long ago, the ritual was more meningful than this current one, which is now just a symbol meaning nothing.

Back then boys used to march beyond a lake and bring back something useful to the village: skills and knowledge like milling, carving, metalworking, thatching,..


But, there were some boys who never returned to the village after the departure.


There is a town beyond the lake.


Towns swallow men up, Yoss. They're hungry. People disappear into them and are never heard of again.



This is the beginning of the story.


Yoss, a pure and innocent boy who doesn't doubt anything, decides to go to a town.


Where chaos, good and mostly bad, awaits him.



This book is the first YA book written by my favorite author Odo Hirsch even though I have read just one another book of his, Antonio S and the Mystery of Theodore Guzman.


I can fully enjoy some books even from small conversations, encounters with someone, or just beads of beautiful words.

In that case, I don't much care a story itself as long as the book is written so: The book Thief, River Boy, The Housekeeper and the Professor, The Alchemist, you name it. 


Some find these books boring.

Or these books actually might not even have a convincing ending.


Still, I really liked this book.




  • 作者:Hirsch, Odo
  • 発売日: 2003/11/03
  • メディア: ペーパーバック



Antonio S and the Mystery of Theodore Guzman

Antonio S and the Mystery of Theodore Guzman

  • 作者:Hirsch, Odo
  • 発売日: 1997/09/01
  • メディア: ペーパーバック