医薬翻訳者の洋書キッチン/ The Book Kitchen

翻訳者による洋書レビュー / Book review by a medical translator

Nothing to See Here by Kevin Wilson












Lillian, getting bored of her life and spending a miserable life,  visits her old friend Madison. It's been a long time since their last meeting even though they continued exchanging letters since then.


The story's plot itself is rather normal.

Lillian meets twin kids, spends time together, faces some toubles, and finally finds light in her life.



No harm for them at all, but any surroundings.


But is this extraordinariness that makes this book so special?


No, I don't think it does much.


It is these twins themselves (and Lillian) who make this this book so deep, absorbing, and attractive.




They often use this word, "Ok" in reply. Nothing more, nothing less.

Just "Ok".





I felt various emotions in this simple "Ok": acceptance, gratitude, and comfort.



What's my rating to this book?




Nothing To See Here

Nothing To See Here

  • 作者:Wilson, Kevin
  • 発売日: 2019/12/03
  • メディア: ペーパーバック


The Dark Forest(暗黒森林)by Cixin Liu





三体シリーズの第二巻、"The Dark Forest (暗黒森林)"。






まずは破格のスケールで繰り広げられる頭脳戦、そしてこれぞ SF と思わせる圧倒的な展開で迎える物語の後半。






"The Dark Forest" authored by Cixin Liu is the sequel to "The Three-Body Problem (三体)", which is the first volume of The Three-Body Problem trilogy.


Even though I gave five stars to "The Three-Body Problem" on Goodreads, the actual score according to my impression was probably around 4.5 (I just round it up).


This book, however, was totally different!!


I still cannot believe the author created this story teemed with extremly complicated plots and scientific materials all by himself. 


Having read "The Three-Body Problem", I've got an impression of literature from the first part of this book, which of course still gives readers full of entertainment and suprizes.


Next as I read through the book to the middle part of book, I was totally baffled about how the story had turned into a battle of mind, reminding me of "Death Note".


What's coming next?


A wholly new world.



Let me just leave the rest of the story veiled for your delectation...


I highly recommend this book from bottom of my heart.



A quote I liked from "The Dark Forest":


We'll never be able to learn the stuff he brought from two century ago, but he can learn what we know.



The Three-Body Problem

The Three-Body Problem

  • 作者:Liu, Cixin
  • 発売日: 2015/12/03
  • メディア: ペーパーバック



The Dark Forest (The Three-Body Problem)

The Dark Forest (The Three-Body Problem)

  • 作者:Liu, Cixin
  • 発売日: 2016/07/14
  • メディア: ペーパーバック


River Boy by Tim Bowler

















  • 川(海)





  • linger(とどまる、いつまでもいる、残る)
  • chide (𠮟る)
  • teem with/down(満ちる/雨が降る )
  • *betray(裏切る/示す・表す)*この本の中で数回出てきますが、示す・表すの意味で使われています。



River Boy では川や山が舞台設定の一つです。









River Boy

River Boy

  • 作者:Tim Bowler
  • 出版社/メーカー: Simon Pulse
  • 発売日: 2002/01/01
  • メディア: マスマーケット





You will find a truly beautiful story in this booka story of a girl Jess, Grandpa, and a river (life and death, metaphorically).


To Jess swimming is a part of her life, like painting to Grandpa, whose condition has been worsening every day.


Grandpa, possibly facing his imminent death, starts to work on a new painting named "River Boy", which was unnatural for him to put a name to his work.


Jess, her parents, and Grandpa go on a vacation to the place where Grandpa spent his life as a boy, and this requestto visit this place—made by Grandpa was also not his way.


There, in the desolate but beautiful place Jess begins to sense a strange, but not necessarily spooky, feeling repeatedly...


And the story is unfolded.



A river is a natural metaphor for life and death, and Tim Bowler uses it to wonderful effect in this lovely, simple story.

—Susan Booper, Newbery Medal Winner.


This is a YA book, but is written in a form of literature, for which some readers might find it just boring and be upset by a turn of events (or a turn of no events).


A piece of advice from me before reading it:


  • Read it like you enjoy a poem or prose
  • Savor the words and swim in the sentences, but do not search for concreate answers or certain logic/goals


Highly recommend it.



The Wild Robot by Peter Brown





















The Wild Robot

The Wild Robot

  • 作者:Peter Brown
  • 出版社/メーカー: Piccadilly Press
  • 発売日: 2018/01/02
  • メディア: ペーパーバック



The Wild Robot Escapes

The Wild Robot Escapes

  • 作者:Peter Brown
  • 出版社/メーカー: Piccadilly Press
  • 発売日: 2018/08/09
  • メディア: ペーパーバック





Roz the robot came to an island ー inside a crate.


There had been five crates, each containing a robot, but four of them crashed on the shore and breaking those robots apart ー remaining only Roz, still sleeping.


She was accidentally booted up and her life begins in the island, without knowing even where she came from.


A story of a robot.

A story of animals.

A story of love ー in many forms.


She has no emotion.

But she has her own instinct for survival.

To survive this wildlife, she tries to communicate with animals by learning their way of speaking.


She has no emotion.

But she has a sense of being alone, too ー even though I don't know whether she feels lonliness or sadness in it.



This is a story of a wild robot


The wilderness really can be ugly sometimes. But from that ugliness came beauty. You see, those poor dead creatures returned to the earth, their bodies nourished the soil, and they helped create the most dazzling spring bloom the island had ever known.


Elon Musk: A Mission to Save the World by Crowley Redding









Elon Musk: How the Billionaire CEO of SpaceX and Tesla is Shaping our Future

Elon Musk: How the Billionaire CEO of SpaceX and Tesla is Shaping our Future





今回紹介するのは、新しい伝記「Elon Musk: A Mission to Save the World」です。



Ashlee本から数年が経ち、新しい著者 Crowley Redding が追ったイーロン・マスクの伝記がこの本です(Crowley本)。


圧倒的な読みやすさが Crowley本の特徴と言えそうです。






一方 Crowley本では読者を飽きさせない作りで、圧倒的に読みやすい





読んでいる途中、SF を読んでいるのかと錯覚してしまうほどです。





彼は現在、テスラ(自動車会社)、スペースX(宇宙関連企業)、The Boring Company(トンネル建設)、Neuralink(サイボーグ?)の CEO であり、他の会社、団体でも役員を務めています。

PayPal の前身である、X.com社の設立者であったイーロン・マスクプログラマーです。


一般的に CEO と聞くと社長のイメージがありますが、彼は現場で第一線の知識を持つエンジニアです。














Elon Musk: A Mission to Save the World

Elon Musk: A Mission to Save the World






This new book "Elon Musk: A Mission to Save the World" by Anna Crowley Redding explores stories of Elon Musk, current CEO of Tesla, SpaceX, The Boring Company, and Neuralink.


No introduction of Elon Musk needed to English speakers, so only some snippets of information about this book.


Probably the first Elon book written by Ashlee Vance was released several years ago.


A lot has happened since then. 

Let's now close the gap a bit:


  • Introduction of Tesla Semi
  • Tesla's new Smart Summon feature (not reliable yet though)
  • Foundation of The Boring Company
  • Foundation of Neuralink


It is always fun to follow his unprecedented steps.

Immigration to Mars, car's autopilot system, new ways of ennergy supply... you name it.


You can also take this book as an SF novel.

While I was reading, I had a feeling I was reading SF stories and wondered what it's like in the world of SF world like Futurama.


A highly recommended thought-provoking book.


SpaceX Starman Music Video



The Elements of Eloquence by Mark Forsyth






今回紹介する本は "The Elements of Eloquence"。

参照元Wikipedia で申し訳ないですが、この本が扱っている内容は、レトリックの中でも日本語における修辞技法に当たるようです(他には修辞学、弁論術も含まれます)。


シェークスピア、ディッケンズ、スターウォーズビートルズ ケイティ・ペリー等々、文学、映画の台詞、歌詞からの様々な引用が豊富で、読んでいるだけで楽しくなる本です。








The Elements of Eloquence

The Elements of Eloquence





Shakespeare was not a genius. (...) No angels handed him his lines, no fairies proofread for him. Instead, he learnt techniques, he learnt tricks, and he learnt them well.


"The Elements of Eloquence" begins with this line.

The author Mark Forsyth journeys and probes unforgettable phrases offered by Shakespeare, Dickens, Yoda, The beatles, and other people to be honored and to be named here without omission...using rhetoric.


Each chapter (39 chapters in total) introduces one rhetorical technique with funny, bright, and evergreen quotes. Here are some:


Transferred Epithets: An adjective is applied to the wrong noun.


The man smoked a nervous cigarette.


Gas! Gas! Quick, boys! — An ecstasy of fumbling,

Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time... 


The ploughman homeward plods his weary way


The transferred Epithets makes the world come more alive than

"The nervous man smoke a cigarette."


Pleonasm: Use of unneeded words that are superfluous and unnecessary in a sentence that doesn't require them.


I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.


To be or not to be, that is the question.


Free gift


Pleonasm is an absolutely free gift for giving emphasis and insistence to the notion.

Pleonasm also includes:


A kiss is still a kiss,

A sigh is just a sigh;


Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose.


Scesis Onomaton (SKEE-sis o-NO-mat-on): A sentence without a verb.


In the first sentence of Bleak House:


The next sentence has no verb either:

Michaelmas term lately over, and the Lord Chancellor sitting in Lincoln's Inn Hall.


Implacable November weather.


Scesis Onomaton helps to hold off deciding the tense: Past, present, and future.


Winston Churchill, in "The Second World War":


In War: Resolution.

In Defeat: Defiance.

In Victory: Magnanimity.

In Peace: Good Will. 


Scesis Onomaton does not limit the meanings in the sentence, keeping writers' images open and broading readers' images.


It thus goes well with a poem.

Tennyson, in "Crossing the Bar":


Sunset and evening star,

  And one clear call for me! 


Thomas Kyd, in his best play The Spanish Tragedy:


O eyes! No eyes, but fountains fraught with tears!

O life! No life, but lively form of death!

O world! No world, but mass of public wrongs,

Confused and filled with murder and misdeeds!

O Heavens!



While I was reading this book, many books came to mind, especially "4321" written by Paul Auster.


A rhetoric is probably not a main tool to write something, but just a tool to be used for categorizing and analyzing words and sentences.


I nevertheless have to appreciate this technique, thanks to which I met this book and I now can savour what seem to be simple lines deeply, deeply, deeply (Pleonasm).


The Chalk Man by C.J. Tudor







今回はこの本、"The Chalk Man" by C.J. Tudor。










謎の殺人事件から30年後、大人になった Eddie のもとに昔の友人が現れます。




この友人の訪問がきっかけで Eddie は過去と現在に隠された様々な真実を知ることになります。









The Chalk Man: The Sunday Times bestseller. The most chilling book you'll read this year

The Chalk Man: The Sunday Times bestseller. The most chilling book you'll read this year












Long time no see and no renewals!


I don't rember exactly when I read this thriller book "The Chalk Man", but this one should be the one to be introduced as the one after this long break, man!


In Amazon and Goodreads, many reviewers mention the name Stephen King.

I'm not familar with his works, so I can't tell how much this book is close to his or makes us recall his storytelling.

ANYWAY, if this book really has the taste of that of Stephen King (IT of Stand By Me), I should go to Amazon, click it, and read his works as well right now. Cuz I really liked THIS BOOK.


The Chalk Man is her debut novel.

From the beggining to the end, the story is veiled by something dark, wet, and unstable air, but without much dark, wet, and unstable :)


The book goes with two time lines narrated by Eddie: flashbacks of his childhood (1986) and present day as an middle aged guy (2016).


Eddie's friends: Metal Mickey, Fat Gav, Hoppo, and Nicky.

In their childhood, they used to hang around all the time back then....



Triggered by one certain event or other events, their relationship as a whole comes to disperse. 


What secrets did the kids have back then?

What truth is there in the murder back then?


Revealed one by one by following memories of each friend....



What I liked the best about "The Chalk Man" was the way the story is ended.


Passed many months after reading the book, and I still remember the last several lines, completely sticking in my mind grimly and beautifully.



Her second novel is also available now.


The Taking of Annie Thorne: 'Britain's female Stephen King'  Daily Mail

The Taking of Annie Thorne: 'Britain's female Stephen King' Daily Mail